Monday, January 14, 2019

Good Sport- New GNC meets Old GNC

This year couldn’t start at its best without an entertaining activity like Good Sport. On Saturday, 5th January 2019; there was good sport at IPRC-Huye campus that gathered new GNC members and Old members, and the game started at 3pm.


On such a beautiful sunny day, Good people were so delighted to cheer up for their friends. The play started with basketball match, and it was a hard game new GNC won 16 points to 9 points of Old members.

In the first quarter, old GNCs tried to play so hard but in the second quarter, the young and energetic new GNCs out-stood them, and took over the hit. Over the course of the match, the new GNC member – Aime Mubera was the popular player in scoring many points and playing hard as well.

Afterwards, the game continued to football match where Old GNC members took over and won the game by 7 points to 1 point. Overall, football match was the most thrilling game, and Lionel was the best player of the game with four goals on his own.

New Good people

Old Good People

Overall, the day was exhilarating with such booming energy GNC started with and opt for the best for this year. New members have shown a spirit of love, commitment and belonging to the choir that this year will be extraordinary with such people in the choir.


People lining to play Agati

Thierry running

Elyse , the goalkeeper

Patrick left, and Lionel-the best player right

Posted by; IT Team

Friday, March 30, 2018


             “Three times a year all your males are to appear before the Lord GOD, the God of Israel.” Exodus34:23-24. It has never been uncomfortable for GNC to visit Kibeho rather pleasing. As accustomed, GOOD NEWS CHOIR repaid a fourthly visit Kibeho on 3rd March 2018. As spreading Good News is GNC’s core objective, pilgrimage to Kibeho comes in as a mode of purification, approach to God and obtaining a clear sense of our beliefs. This pilgrimage is usually preceded by a novena praying for its welfare.

Good people arriving for departure

 Finally, the hour of departure arrived, but before Ms. President gave a briefing about the program of the day and we took of Saint Dominic Parish to Kibeho, Holy Land. During the journey, we went praying the Rosary and singing Gospel Good songs.

Good people ready to leave

On Arrival at the Holy Land of Kibeho, everyone was so excited and enthusiastic to be back, and for the ones it was the first time, they couldn’t stop falling in love with how beautiful and picturesque the place looks like.

Happy to be back at Mama Land

Few minutes the arrival, we continued our program in the chapel where we were to be explained the history of the Holy Land and its apparitions. Father Francis helped to explain the history of the Holy Land and clarified more on other misconceptions that were spread over.

Father Francis explaining the history of apparitions

Afterward, we proceeded with the Holy Mass with Father Francis, whereby he kept emphasizing to practice the message of the Virgin Mary.

Good people singing in Good Mass

After Mass, we went down the hill to fetch sacred water. As exhilarating it was watching good people drinking, washing their faces with sacred water, and could not stop thanking The Virgin Mary for the Golden gift she gave us.

Good people going to fetch water

Lastly, we ended our journey at Nyarushishi, a place with very important sculptures such as an enormous sculpture of Merciful Jesus and Archangel Michael, there is also another special sculpture that shows the house where JESUS CHRIST was born known as "IKIRUGU". Thereafter we took our good meal and memorial Pictures.Our journey was closed by Miss president thanking everyone who came along and demanding to continue being exemplary good Christians as we spread the message of the Holy Mother.

Our journey to the holy land allowed us to rediscover who we are as Catholics, Christians but most importantly who we are as people. We learned to embrace our humanity and Godly nature in all their glories. Again, this pilgrimage will forever remind us that the Holy Mother gave a gift of healing, belief and strong Christian principles, the true meaning of a mother’s love.


Posted by: (@IT Team2017-2018)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Unforgettable Closer To You My Lord Concert

Photo: GNC Closer to You my Lord Concert

In its twenty years history, Good News Choir that started in the southern province of Rwanda held a concert in Kigali for the first time. 3rd September 2017,  the date that will be unforgettable, the day when Good News Choir members showed again to different Christians, Families  and Friends who were present that "He who sings well for the Lord praises twice".

Hosts of the Concert Mr. Boston & Ms. Marie Paule

The concert took place at Centre Pastoral Saint Paul, started at 4:00PM as planned and obviously by a prayer as any other Christian activity and continued with the welcoming speech from the Good News Choir President, Iradukunda B. Patrick, who was very happy because of a large number of Christians who attended the concert, and how everything was organized.

GNC President with a smile on his face

About 450 people attended the historic concert

It was time for GNC members to present their first scene called" Comfort and Hope” that featured different comforting song like: It is well, You raised me up, ... 
After that, obviously people started wondering what would have been the history, deeds and fruits of the Good News Choir, their wish was heard, whereby a representative of all the choir that originated from GNC delightfully thanked those who did their best to start those different choirs. Then after that a documentary about GNC 20 years of existence was presented to give the audience a crystal clear understanding of the choir vision. And it highlighted also on the albums that the Good News Choir has launched so far.

GNC close friend and priest (Father Felix) was around as well

The documentary opened the floor for GNC members to present to the guests some of the songs that are on their latest album. Closer to you my Lord album, whose songs were well performed as they are on the magnificent CD. 
As guests were waiting for the official launch of the Album, the genius musician, the pioneer of the classical music in Rwanda, Mr Pacis N. N. Euzeube and the amazing Choirmaster of Good News Choir took the stage and played amazing classical pieces and the famous arrangement of musical notes on piano of the Imihigo yacu song, it was amazing how people danced just on that instrumental. 

Pianist Ndahiro Pacis (left) playing piano, with his fellow pianist Philbert

Pacis's parents were present at the concert to support their son and GNC as well

Then, the Good News family Chairperson, Dr Amendezo Etienne thanked the choir and opened the floor for Robert Kamuratsi, one of the founding fathers of the choir who officially launched the Album and proceeded with a fundraising for The choir. 
In kinyarwanda they say " Akaryoshye ntigahora mwitama" , sadly came the last scene of the Good News Choir called " twisanzure" ... Featuring songs that made people stand up and started to dance for the Lord, like Umuhamirizo Wa nyiribiremwa, Yezu ur'umwami  W'abami... And others. 

GNC performed four awesome scenes
Caritas choir from St Peter Parish featured the concert

it was time for The unforgettable concert to come to an end, it was Closed by A Prayer. We take this time to thank you all , Good News Choir Members, GNF members, dear cherished guests, all the heroes behind the amazing performance of the choir . every effort made the concert unforgettable. In all we thank the heavenly Father who is Good all the time.

Story in pics:
Robert calling out people for the fundraising 
friends of GNC were present
Choir master Pacis conducting
You can leave university but you can't quit GNC
Attendants participated in fundraising and committed about 460000Rwf
Serve the Lord forever you will be happy

Author: IT - Team

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