Sunday, September 11, 2016

Thanksgiving Mass at St Michael Cathedral marks the end of Good Tour

After a one week extension on the opening of Public Universities it has been necessary for Good News Choir to Sing a special mass where the Good Tour started at St Michael Cathedral, The Cathedral with a powerful English community. This mass was so special for it was a Thanksgiving mass for what the Lord has done for Radio Maria Rwanda through Germany Christians who contributed a lot on the MARIATHON of Radio Maria Kibeho. This mass was also broadcasted live on Radio Maria Rwanda and Germany.

The clergy that facilitated the mass was headed by a Germany Priest who heads Radio Maria in Germany, since the beginning of the mass he never ceased to say how glad he is to be here in Rwanda for it has been ages since he dreamt of coming to Africa and finally the first country he visited is Rwanda. Though Good People had only 5 days to prepare this international mass 50 chorists who were present today did what the Lord wanted them to do where they sang a number of good songs that helped people to connect with God like Ain’t got time to die, My soul’s been anchored, Sinogenda Ntashimye,.. This mass was attended also by a number of people with big names in this Country namely John Rwangombwa the governor of National of Rwanda, Rosette Rugamba former Director of ORTPN (currently RDB), honorable ambassadors …

Directors of Radio Maria Rwanda and Germany

After mass the Good News Choir members had a small chat with members of St Michael Cathedral English community, former members and founders of GNC and members of Christ the King Choir which is has a special partnership with Good News Choir. In his speech the chairman of English community Mr. Denis he quoted St Augustin “He who sings well praises twice” where he stressed on the fact in singing there’s praying, praying and it doubled. He also said that we (GNC) surprised some people from the English community who didn’t know about us. Finally he stated that it an honor for him to see us succeed academically and spiritually (He is a Lecturer at UR in school of Law.).

Mr. Denis Chairperson of English Community

On behalf of CKC. Murisi Jean a musician and song writer who were a member of GNC some years back he said that it a pleasure for them to have GNC there concluding the Good Tour where they started it and he as a member of all the time of GNC he has a good plan this year of coming to Huye and teach us some new songs and those we no longer sing for those who knew them have gone this awesome act is expected to take place probably in November. He also said that this year CKC want to renew its partnership with GNC for their bond is strong.

Murisi Jean (middle) red shirt
We also said good byes to our fellow GNC members who are going to continue their studies in Kigali, our fellow fresh GNF from the class of 2016 and normal GNF too.

Group Photo after mass
Author: GNC IT - Team


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