Sunday, October 2, 2016

Good Routine

Rehearsals, good breakfast, new members and Sunday Mass all these activities are more or less like a routine but the enthusiasm we have for them doesn’t change, it keeps increasing instead.
This is may be because it’s always a chance to meet all the good people and share some good moments, and there is always something new.

In rehearsals: with choirmaster Pacis being a little bit busy this week, it has been an opportunity for our new choirmaster Mr. KAMBALI Philbert to show his skills; which he did with success: with his cool way of teaching and so many other qualities its without doubt that we can say he is the one to replace choirmaster Kabeza Joachim and assist Pacis and other musicians.
Gasasira, Patrick, ambali Philbert and Mireille
in the Good Breakfast: after deciding to move from Akeza cafeteria to kiza restaurant, we’ve found that kiza wasn’t ready yet to receive the Good people thus we went back to say bye to Akeza cafeteria; where we had two guests “should I say of honor”: Mr. Leandre choirmaster from Chorale Illuminatio and Mr. Marius Pianist from Chorale Le Bon Berger (CBB).
Mr Leandre from Illuminatio in front of Pacis

Mr Marius from CBB

Good Selfie after Good breakfast

And the Big Event of this week was the “welcome games” where it has now become a GNC tradition to organize some matches at the beginning of the year to welcome the new members and help them to interact with others so as to better integrate the choir.
The venue did not change as we have found in St Don Bosco Center-Rango a place we could call a second home as it has hosted so many of our events and the choir has started an active collaboration with the salesians especially with Father Felix a good friend of ours.

level 2&3 fanclub

The teams were Level 1&4 Vs. Level2&3 and the games to be played were basketball, volleyball and football. Level 2&3 won the basketball match with a score of 37-13 and the volleyball match with 2 sets-0; the football match was interrupted twice due to weather and ball issues and ended with a score of 0-0.

Jacky warming up before football match

As all Saturdays all the youth gather around the basketball pitch to listen to “ Le mot du Jour” or literally “The Word of the Day” by one of the novices in the congregation of salesians; where he recalled one story that father Clet told us at Rwesero during the good tour, he just changed the lion into a tiger. “The story is about a woman who couldn’t handle her husband and was seeking for advices from a wizard who asked her to bring a tiger in order to get the advice; the woman sacrificed three of her goats in order to feed the tigers and thus get their friendship, which she finally got and brought the tiger to the wizard who told her if she managed to handle a tiger her husband wouldn’t be a problem that she had only to understand him and find a way to bring peace in her family.” 

Later the Good people shared some drinks and biscuits before leaving to their respective hostels and homes.

This Sunday started with a blessing (Rain) from our heavenly father which delayed numerous people but could not delay the printer; as we used for the very first time our brand new Printer that we received from the 2016 promo. It is working properly (as shown in the video below) and printed 100 fresh copies of today’s order of Mass.

The mass was very nice as the English Catholic community keeps increasing, a new priest from Don Bosco-Rango who appreciated our music especially the Luganda songs (Ekitibwa kibe eri katonda, Mugabe w’obusingye).

May God bless you all who have made all those activities a source of joy and happiness especially to the new members for their effective participation and the 2016 promo for the heritage they have left for future generations not only the gifts but  also the Good spirit (Praying, working hard, loving each other and having fun).

#Once a Good People, forever a Good People

Author: IT team


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