Thursday, October 13, 2016


Good auditions one of the new activities introduced by our music technical team lead by choirmaster Pacis Eusebe; was the topic in almost all conversations in the choir for it induced not only curiosity but also fear as some of the good people were afraid of being sent in other voices or maybe expelled from the choir but they got it wrong!

The good auditions named “special rehearsal” was supposed to be done last Saturday from 3pm to 7pm. It started with new vocal exercises, some which were funny with funny names too; at the beginning new members were a bit lost but after some minutes they got into the game and some doing it better than old members.

After those vocal exercises we went to our respective voices practicing the songs to be sang on Sunday as a group of 6 from each voice was sent for the auditions.
The panel was made of U. Aline Pacis, I. Christophe and N.N Pacis Eusebe.



Alto @Rehearsal 

Bass @Rehearsal

Tenor @Rehearsal

At the end of the day choir master Pacis in his speech he thanked all the people who participated that apart from concert ‘s rehearsals we rarely do a rehearsal of 4h30’, he highlighted that it’s for the 1st time that these kind of auditions are carried out in GNC and were done in a Good (GNC) way different from other auditions which are very strict; they(auditions) came as a music team goal to establish a foundation(roots) for our music to assure a balance between the 4 voices and surprisingly some talents were discovered: Soloists, people with ability to sing another voice better than the one he/she is singing… he also ask people to not get discouraged that talent with guidance is better.
He concluded asking those with the talents of making songs to start making psalms, petitions… and bring them for harmonization and finally handled to our soloists for it will be a source of pride for not only those doing so but also for us the choir members; he ended asking the committee to do this activity yearly.

These auditions made us forget all the other activities but we can’t forget father Bruno Nkonji’s visit last Tuesday after rehearsal where he reminded us about the parish’s silver jubilee on December 17th 2016, he also thanked us for the past 5 years of happiness, praise and fun, as he is leaving the parish coordination to father Denis; he is going to defend his PhD thesis in France.

The good breakfast was special as we have changed its venue from Akeza Cafeteria to Kiza Restaurant which can accommodate a large number of people.

Good visits on Friday and Sunday were animated by two fresh GNF members K. Joachim and I.I Mauricette.
Kajo playing some karahanyuze songs.

Mauricette greeting the choir
in the friday and Sunday Visits where we visited Gisele&Stella (friday) and Onesphore,Eric, Olivier and Christopher cvc (Sunday); Good people were there, Good musicians were there and God himself was there among us, thus nothing on earth could prevent us from having Good Fun.

our girls be like when we pose, we like posing with...

"Talent with guidance is more efficient."N.N Pacis Eusebe; may the Holy spirit guide us, strengthen us when we get discouraged so that with our music we may help people get closer to God.

Author:IT team


  1. Awesome, this is really interesting and important to the choir. keep the spirit guys and much appreciation to the IT Team. keep us posted. #Good_and_Proud

  2. Always good... God bless the good choir

  3. Oh God what a Good and splendid story like this.....Good and Proud Forever...Gnc our choir


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