Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"HABEMUS PRAESES" We Have a President

from the popular " Habemus Papam" (we have a Pope); the Good People have a new president and a new executive committee.
This comes after 9 days of preparation in which we prayed for the elections through a Novena of the Divine mercy.

From 5 pm this Tuesday good people started arriving in the election room and we waited for 45 minutes to reach the 2/3 of the choir members, which is the required quorum.

After small introductions by the president and the MC, the Law commissioner Mr. Ildephonse Nzaramyimana gave a small briefing about the procedures to be followed in the elections.

Good people proposed many candidates,

 but here is the new elected committee:
-          President: Mr. Patrick Iradukunda (Level 2, General Medecine) 
-          Vice/President: Mr. Emmanuel Karangwa (Level 3, Water & Environmental Engineering)
-          Secretary: Mrs. Aline Kwibuka (level 3, Translation & Interpreting)
-          Treasurer: Mrs. Gloria Divine Tuyikunde ( Level 3, Water & Environmental Engineering)
from L-R: (T.D Gloria, I. Patrick, K. Emmanuel and K. Aline)
In his speech the new elected president, Mr. Patrick thanked God for choosing them as the new committee to represent the choir and help it and its members progress in all possible domains. He reminded that as people guided by the Holy Spirit we will make it.

                                          ALL ABOUT LAST WEEK (Story in Pictures)

Iradukunda Patrick (stoogy, Hassan) Reading

Sunday Mass Conducted by choirmaster Philbert Kambali

Father Denis the new Parish Priest, celebrating his first english mass as the Parish Priest.
Good Breakfast with our guest Mr. Jean de Dieu Ibemaso

Good Breakfast

Good Breakfast

Cleaning the church

Cleaning the church

romantic dress code for the cleaning day (black & red)

@Umuganda wa Paroisse

@ Umuganda wa Paroisse with the Campus Coordinator

Saturday Visit (Clarisse & Delphine) 

Sunday Visit

Sunday Visit

Visit hosts: Carpephore, Jean Bella, Jean Claude and William

We can't forget the Visit of Jean de Paques and Alix Nicole Gnf Members who came back to where they belong, expressing the happiness they have whenever they come back!

"Every finish line is the beginning of a new race"; we are done with the elections but the real race starts now as we have a very big Action Plan this year including two biggest Activities: the publication of a new Volume of GNC songs (CD) and the 20th Anniversary of the choir.
this means that this Year, we will be very busy serving our master, as President Patrick advised lets let the Holy Spirit guide us and everything will be fine.

#Once a Good People, Forever a Good People.

Author; IT-Team

1 comment:

  1. #Good and proud congratulations, to our new leaders....


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