Friday, March 24, 2017


              For the third occasion, children went to see their Mother. Good news choir members went to the Holy land of Kibeho on Saturday 11th march 2017. The pilgrimage was preceded by a nine days novena to pray for the pilgrimage’s safety, well preparations, and overall perfection of the pilgrimage.

Good people preparing to go the holy land.

           So the day to visit our mother came. Early in the morning, the day started with the novena, the last day of it, the ninth day of the novena. Then after the GNC president gave a brief introduction to the pilgrimage, the agenda of that day and asked of everyone’s attention and reminded us it’s not a trip rather it’s a pilgrimage. The Good buses took of Saint Dominic parish heading to Nyaruguru district, sector of Kibeho, the Holy land, we went praying the Rosary and the chaplet of seven sorrows of Virgin Mary.

Good people arriving at the Holy land.

          Arriving to the Holy land of Kibeho, we were all joyful and enthusiastic, you could read that from everyone’s face. We went near the apparition ground, where they one of our choir members, Frere Pascal read for us the history of apparitions. After that, we took a short break and continued in the chapel “Shrine of our Lady of Kibeho”, where we were given detailed explanation on the apparitions of Kibeho.

Frere Pascal reading the history of apparitions for GNC members.

            A brief history: From a small place in south-western part of the thousand hills country Rwanda, the Virgin Mary visited us. The longest (happened for a longtime) apparitions in the world, and Kibeho is the only place in Africa where the Virgin Mary visited. On 28th November 1981 at 12:35 am, The Virgin Mary appeared to a senior one girl Alphonsine Mumureke, she came saying “Ndi Nyina wa Jambo”. On 12th January 1982   Our Lady of Kibeho appeared to Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, Nathalie was very serious and liked to pray naturally. The third girl to whom the Virgin Mary appeared to is the late Marie Claire Mukangango from 2nd March 1982 to 15th September 1982. There were other people who said that the Virgin Mary appeared to them but only the apparitions of these three girls where officially approved. 

Good people listening to the priest telling them about apparition of kibeho.

The message our lady of Kibeho:

            After that, we continued with the greatest prayer, the Holy mass. We celebrated the Holy Mass with people from Busasamana parish, friends of Saint Vincent de Paul, people from the Bank of Kigali, all had come from far to visit the Holy Mother of God. After the mass, different liturgical object were blessed, as well as ourselves.

Good people celebrating the holy mass with other Christians.

After that, came the time of taking memorial pictures….

Good Memories.

             The time came and we excitedly went the hill heading to the Water Source of Mary, to fetch blessed water from the source, different plastic bottles we filled with that water, people washed their faces with that water, people drank that water, people took that water to their homes and different places where they stay, because that water is and was blessed by the Holy Virgin Mary, as she said that we are flowers of a noble scent. And every flower needs water to live so our Mother gave us that water.

Good people on the water source.

Amazi y'umugisha.
  We were lucky enough because had time to talk to Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, on of the three girls to whom the Virgin Mary appared to, she told us all about the message of  the mother of the Word.

Nathalie Mukamazimpaka.

      From that water source, we walked to the another place that is few meters from The Chapel “shrine of our lady of kibeho” which is called calvaria, and it represents the journey of our salvation, all the pain that he had to endure to save us, all sorrow and grief he had to bear to set us free. A place where we sat and meditated. Afterwards we headed to another place known as “Nyarushishi”.

Good people at Calvary.

Good people at Nyarushishi.

    This place is very exceptional, there is a gigantic image of Merciful Jesus below t its feet, there is these words “Yezu Ndakwizera”. Apart from the extraordinary statue of Merciful Jesus, there are also other Holy Sculptures, like the one of Archangel Michel, and a sculpture that shows the birth of Jesus, we know it as “ ikirugu” as it is written  “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.”

   From this place we also shared a meal….. And it is from this where our pilgrimage was reaching to its end, after a short speech from our president and some few notes, we prayed and headed to the good buses that conveyed us back to Ruhande. In those good buses, we came singing, socializing, and joyful just because we visited our mother.

  Good news choir thank God for He has been by our side, we couldn’t do or accomplish anything without his love and protection upon us. Good news choir also thank its member for their contribution, and active participation so that the pilgrimage can come to its success. Let us keep the spirit in all upcoming choir activities.



                                                           ©GNC IT TEAM, MARCH 2017.
                                                         AUTHOR: IT MANAGER


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